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Sunday 30 December 2012


The importance of family was mentioned at Church today.

The world's most important family above.

Friday 28 December 2012

lift me up?

Why We Pray….Because True Prayer works

We pray to give thanks to our heavenly father that gives us life each day. A prayer to God will show us life and gives insight to us in this today world. Our prayers channel the right Godly atmosphere, where miracles happens. We know when two or more join together for intercessory prayers we know connect to the Holy Spirit, God hears our heart and our prayers. This is why we should pray daily, constantly through out the day. 



Friday 2 November 2012

Do you promise?

I love this!  I got it from one of my friends a few years ago, but it is so true?  

Thursday 1 November 2012

My Birthday is on the 21st of this month.  I am 32 this year, where did the years go?

A passage for today?

The Month of November

Hi there!  This month is a special month for me as the 21st is my Birthday and my sister Claire's Birthday is the third of this month too.  I hope we all have a blessed month. DAVE

Sunday 28 October 2012

How is your day?

Have a Super week!

Superb Sunday!

Hi, it is a super sunny and warm day here today.  God is smiling upon us?

Sunday 21 October 2012

Weekly readings

GR8 to B Back

It was so good to be back at my own church in Cape Town today and celebrating mass once more.  I did go to St. Peter's catholic church in Scarborough, while I was in England, but to be somewhere familiar in a Parish you know is super.  God is good!

Saturday 20 October 2012

A reading for this Saturday


While in Leeds, England last month, a little girl put this in my hand one Saturday afternoon while we were walking near the shops.  Thought there must be a reason for this, so I decided to post it to this blog of mine.
Have a Blessed Day DAVE

Thursday 6 September 2012

A prayer from Switzerland

Hi!  I got this prayer from a little church it Murten, Switzerland when I was there in 2006?  I say it most days, it is in German but I can understand it as I learnt German at school.  It is super?  Is it the Lord's payer?  If you know please let me know.  davetherave@live.co.za

Friday 31 August 2012



Sunday 19 August 2012

A few years ago I was watching the TV Series Cash cab and they had a question, "which church has the most ordained ministers in the world", the answer was the Universal Church. I looked it up online and there was the option to become a minister.  I believe 100% in God so I became a minister.  That is one of the reasons I have this blog, it's my ministry?